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8 SURE Ways to Boost Your Web Hosting Business Revenue

The global web hosting services market is expected to grow annually at a readjusted CAGR of 18% from 2020 to 2027 due to the increased demand spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic (Global Industry Analysts, 2021).

Here at home, web hosting revenue in South Africa is projected to reach US$319.20m in 2022. This presents a significant opportunity for those in the web hosting business to increase their income.

The million-dollar question is, how do you get a bigger share of this pie? 

Luckily, there are several ways to boost your web hosting business income, and this article will explore eight of them.

Read also: #10 Reasons To Start a Web Hosting Business in South Africa.

1. Find a niche and build authority

A niche is a small, specific market. People trust your opinion when you build authority in a niche and turn to you for advice. This will lead to more sales.

To find a niche, ask yourself what you’re passionate about. What do you know that others don’t? Once you have an idea, research it to ensure it’s viable.

What you don’t know about focusing on a niche is authority. 

Obedience to authority is deeply ingrained in us. It’s how we’re socialized. We’re taught from an early age to obey our elders, respect those in positions of power, and follow the rules. 

And that is why people are much more likely to listen to and buy from you if you are considered an authority in your field. 

How to build authority in your niche

a). Write blog posts and articles that show your expertise

When you write about your niche, make sure to do it in a way that shows off your knowledge. Use technical terms and explain things thoroughly. This will show readers that you know what you’re talking about, and they’ll be more likely to trust you.

Include your research data and case studies to support your claims further. If you can, link to other experts in your field as well. This will not only make your writing more credible, but it’ll also help you build relationships with other authorities.

b). Speak at conferences and events

Start speaking at industry conferences and events if you want people to take you seriously. Sharing your knowledge in person shows that you’re confident about what you know and that others should listen to what you have to say.

c). Get interviewed or featured on podcasts and webinars

Another great way to build authority is by getting interviewed or featured on popular podcasts and webinars. This will allow you to share your knowledge with a wider audience and show people that others value your opinion.

d). Write an eBook or create an online course

If you want to position yourself as an expert, write an eBook or create an online course about your niche. This will show potential customers that you’re serious about what you do and that they can benefit from learning more from you.

2. Offer unique services

When it comes down to it, the most important thing for any business is making money. 

And one of the best ways to boost your income is by offering unique services that your competitors don’t.

By doing this, you’ll be able to charge more for your services and stand out from the crowd. Plus, it’ll give people a reason to choose you over your competitors.

So, what kind of unique services can you offer? 

It really depends on your business and industry, but some ideas include the following: 

  • Offering rushed or expedited service for an additional fee 
  • Adding extra features that others don’t have 
  • Customizing products or services to meet specific needs 

3. Build a strong web hosting brand in South Africa

This almost ties in with the first point of choosing a niche and building authority.

A brand is much more than a name and logo. It is the feeling people get when they see or hear your company’s name. It is what sets you apart from your competition. 

When you have a strong brand, people will remember you and choose you over others because they know what to expect from you. They trust you and feel good about doing business with you. 

How do I build my web hosting brand? 

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer here, as the best way to build your brand will vary depending on your niche, target audience, and goals. 

However, here are a few general tips:

a). Develop a style guide 

A style guide is basically a set of rules for how your brand should be presented to the world. It covers everything from your logo and color scheme to your tone of voice and messaging. 

Creating a style guide will help you maintain consistency across all channels, which is essential for building trust with potential customers.   

Not sure where to start? Check out this post on creating a brand style guide.

b) Invest in professional design  

Your website, business cards, email signature, and social media profiles need to look professional if you want people to take your brand seriously. 

Investing in professional design will help you stand out from the competition and make a good first impression. It’s worth it!

c) Create valuable content 

One of the best ways to build your brand is by creating high-quality, relevant content that provides value to your target audience. This could be anything from blog posts and infographics to eBooks and email courses. 

When you create helpful, informative content, people will start seeing you as an expert in your field—and they’ll be more likely (and willing!) to do business with you.

4. Attract new customers through SEO

If you want your web hosting business to bring in more revenue, do not ignore SEO anymore.

SEO is essentially optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results. 

Why is this important? Because the higher your website ranks, the more likely people are to find it—which means more traffic and potential customers for you! 

There are a ton of different SEO strategies out there … way too many to cover in one blog post. But here are a few quick tips:

a). Do keyword research  

Keyword research will help you determine what keywords and phrases people are searching for when looking for businesses like yours. 

Once you know this, you can optimize your website (and other marketing materials) for those keywords. 

Not sure how to do keyword research? This guide will show you everything you need to know.     

b). Optimize your website content

Once you’ve identified some target keywords, it’s time to start incorporating them into your website content—in a way that sounds natural and makes sense for your business. 

Remember not to stuff keywords; just use them where they make sense, grammatically speaking.      

c). Build backlinks

Backlinks are links from other websites pointing back to yours. They are basically like votes telling search engines, “hey, this site is popular and trustworthy!?.” 

The more backlinks pointing back to your site, the better your chance of ranking higher in search results. 

There are a few different ways to build backlinks, but one of the most effective is guest blogging—writing articles for other websites in your niche (and linking back to your own site). 

Not only will this help you get exposure on other sites, but it’ll also help you build relationships with other industry leaders. 

5. Create add-ons or upsells 

Another great way to make more money from your web hosting business is to create add-ons or upsells. This involves offering additional services or products to customers already buying from you.

For example, you could offer website design services as an add-on for those who want help setting up their site. 

Or, you could sell email marketing plans to customers who need help growing their list.

Not only will this give you a chance to make more money per customer, but it’ll also help you build deeper relationships with your clients since they’ll rely on you for more than just web hosting.

The goal here is to upsell products your clients will actually need or want rather than just trying to sell them anything and everything.

6. Try webinar marketing

Webinar marketing is a great way to boost revenue for your web hosting business in South Africa. 

By definition, a webinar is an online seminar that uses the internet to bring people together for a presentation, lecture, or workshop. They are usually interactive, with participants able to ask questions and offer feedback in real-time. 

Now, there are many ways you can use webinars to generate income for your business. 

For example, you could host a paid webinar series on a topic related to web hosting or use webinars as a platform to sell products or services related to your business. 

You could also partner with another business to co-host a webinar series, which would help promote both businesses and generate income for both parties involved. 

Here’s how to get started:

  • Choose a topic that will be of interest to your target audience.
  • Promote your webinar in advance through your website, social media channels, and email list.
  • Make sure to have a strong presentation prepared that will engage and educate your audience.
  • During the webinar, provide valuable information and answer any questions from attendees.
  • After the webinar, follow up with attendees and offer additional resources or discounts on your products or services.

7. Improve customer satisfaction 

51% of customers will never do business with that company again just after one poor Customer Experience (

So, if you want to boost your web hosting business income, you need to focus on improving customer satisfaction.

Here are a few ways to do that:

  • Offer a money-back guarantee: This shows customers that you’re confident in your product and that you’re willing to stand behind it.
  • Provide 24/7 customer support: If something goes wrong, your customers need to know they can reach out to you for help – no matter what time it is.
  • Be transparent about pricing: Don’t try to hide any fees or surcharges in the fine print. Be upfront about what your customers can expect to pay.
  • Offer a free trial: This allows potential customers to test your product and see if it’s the right fit for them before committing to anything.
  • Simplify your sign-up process: The easier you make it for people to become your customers, the more likely they are to do so.
  • Get involved in social media: Social media is a great way to connect with potential and current customers alike. Make sure you have an active presence on all of the major platforms.
  • Make it easy to cancel: If a customer is unhappy with your product, you don’t want them to feel like they’re stuck. Offer a hassle-free cancellation process so they can move on if needed.

Improving customer satisfaction should be one of your top priorities if you want to boost your web hosting business income. By following the tips above, you can ensure that your customers are happy and keep coming back for more.

8). Increase your prices (without losing customers) 

If you want to make more money in your web hosting business, one of the simplest things you can do is raise your prices.

Of course, this isn’t always easy, and you must be careful not to price yourself out of the market. But if done correctly, raising your prices can greatly impact your bottom line.

There are a few different ways you can go about increasing your prices without losing customers: 

  • Offer discounts for bulk purchases 
  • Introduce new tiers or levels for pricing  
  • Package products or services together at a higher price point 

Another way to get away with this is to provide more value than your competitors. 

If you can show potential customers that they are getting more bang for their buck with you, they’ll be less likely to mind paying a higher price.


There are many ways to make your web hosting business more profitable. 

Following the tips in this article can boost your income and make your business more successful. 

Always keep your customers’ needs in mind and offer them the best possible service. You can take your business to the next level with a little effort. 

Check our cheapest reseller hosting plans in South Africa.

Read also: How To Get Web Hosting Reseller South Africa [Simple Guide].

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